Character – Adharma – Dark Sith Assassin

Adharma Silverknight

– Sith Assassin
– Mostly Dark Side
– Age When Freed from Slavery: 26

Adharma Silverknight was a 14-year-old Jedi Youngling who lived and studied at the Jedi Temple on Coruscant when the Empire, led by Darths Angral and Malgus, sacked the Republic capitol and annihilated the Temple.  Very few Jedi survived the day, even among the padawans and younglings, but Adharma is one such survivor.  Although the Jedi were unaware of Adharma’s distant connection to the Sith, of his Kallig ancestry, one Sith Lord recognized a vague, ancient darkness lurking in the youngling, and rather than slaughter the boy, the Sith Lord captured and enslaved him.

What followed for Adharma was twelve years of brutal slavery.  His owner continued Adharma’s training personally, separate from the Sith Academy on Korriban, infusing the boy with a vicious anger and bitterness that left him feral and lethal.  The Sith Lord kept Adharma on a collar and leash, like a pet, and used him to intimidate and murder non-Sith associates among the Mandalorians, the Imperial military, and the merchant classes.  As is the way of the Sith, however, eventually Adharma’s owner was murdered and supplanted by his own legitimate Sith apprentice.  Adharma’s new owner found the slave’s pet-treatment distasteful and unseemly, but rather than free an alien slave and send him to Korriban, Adharma was re-purposed as a profitable gladiator.

It was important that none know of Adharma’s Force abilities. So the slave’s new owner created a specific set of instructions: never reveal Force powers, use only unseen abilities to win fights, and as long as he was profitable, the slave was assured survival. If he disobeyed, the Sith Lord vowed to personally butcher Adharma. In the gladiator pits of Nar Shaddaa, Adharma spent years perfecting the art of dramatic violence, never using lightning or telekinesis, carefully modulating his enhanced strength and speed to win but not overwhelm, utilizing foresight and mind tricks to toy with his opponents. In time, he was truly a master of the violent dramatic arts, and his animal charisma amassed a loyal fanbase.

Inevitably, though, his owner was once more usurped by a legitimate apprentice, and Adharma yet again fell under new ownership. Adharma had become so skilled at masking his abilities, the latest apprentice-turned-lord had no knowledge of the gladiator’s Force sensitivity. Upon learning of it, however, Adharma’s new owner dispatched him immediately to Korriban. The Dark Council had long ago decreed that all beings sensitive to the Force within Imperial realms were to be sent to Korriban, slaves, aliens, and the low-born included. Seeking to ingratiate himself to powers-that-be at the Sith Academy, Adharma’s new owner made a show of sacrificing valuable property for the good of the Empire. Secretly, he sent a letter to a Sith Overseer at the academy, advocating for Adharma’s fatal elimination. After all, what place is there in the Sith Order for alien slaves?